Use it or Lose it!

I have heard that expression a million times but usually it refers to skills! During this pandemic, it has taken on a new meaning for me.

I have a room dedicated to creating.  First it was the craft room.  Well I do not really craft so much.  Then it was the bead room.  Then it became the sewing room. Then I started mixed media art and I called it the art room.

I usually have a very busy life-I never had much time in there.  I am in bookclubs, have girlfriend groups I meet with…so when I did a project, I would drag things to the dining room table, do the project, then dump (and I do mean dump) everything back in the art room.  I created on the dining room table because it was a nice space.  I was constantly running back and forth though to get supplies.

Then the pandemic came…and I had more time to create.  Suddenly I was tired of the mess in the dining room but there was no room to create in the art room because of the dump piles.

When the pandemic started I admit I was like a slug. No motivation.  Then after a while I realized I was going to be really angry with myself when it was all over and I had nothing to show for it. Also, there was nothing but politics on the TV.  So…I tackled the art room.  Turns out I have tons of great art supplies.  I was not using them to their best as they were lost or not organized so I could find them.  Some items (markers and such) were not good anymore because of lack of use.  Less is more-I get it.  I gave several duplicate items away. to people I knew would appreciate and use them. Completing this project has been life changing. Now I have spaces to work, my supplies are at my fingertips, and the dining room looks like a dining room. Now I wonder what took me so long! What I thought was an impossible task has made my life so much easier. Instead os spending time looking for things-I am creating!

Pictures below of  before. After pictures to come soon-as well as my new plan for finish in Friday.

Wait till you see the after! What project is hanging over your head???