I have ah ha moments all the time.  I find life incredibly interesting and exciting.  Despite achievements I have made though, I am often taken over by self doubt.  I know a lot of this comes from negative experiences  I have had over the years-with people I loved and trusted. It took me till I was 36 years old to realize that just because someone could not love me-did not mean that I was not worthy of love.  It does not mean I am unlovable.

I am sure that all people reading this can relate to this kind of pain, rejection, or exclusion.

Well I had a real big ah ha this weekend.  God used a friend to put me where I needed to be.  As an artist and entrepreneur (yes-in an MLM of all things), I often feel insecure and have doubts.  Wanting to be the business woman and also not “bother” people. Knowing what is in my heart but not knowing if others do. And as for art, comparing, insecurities, trying to share my art but not be boastful…so many feelings.

I took my friend to breakfast for her birthday.  She asked if we could see the movie Overcomer.  I like those movies so I went-because it was her birthday.

Not only was the movie wonderful, but it was clear to me that while Sharon WANTED to see the movie, I needed to see it.

In a recent podcast (Deb Erickson), I leaned that we have 85,000 thoughts a day and 90% of them are negative. So during any given day-you can have 65,000 negative thoughts.  This is why we must fill ourselves with POSITIVE thoughts to wipe out the negative ones.  No wonder we feel down, give up, or doubt ourselves.

I believe in my God.  I would not be here today if not for my faith and the people God put in my path.  When I look at the things I have done and the things I have survived-it is clear I had His power behind me.  It is clear that with HIM I can persevere and survive. Anything I have survived in the past-was so much harder than ANYTHING I face now.  

These are the words I needed to hear from Ephesians:

I am blessed.

I am chosen.

I am adopted.

I am redeemed.

I am forgiven.

I am sealed.

I am loved.

I am saved.

I am God’s child.

With these promises-it makes me wonder why I have self doubt, etc.  I know because I am human-this will happen.  I will, however, be putting these words where I can see them daily. I included them on a recent vision board project.

I encourage everyone to see the movie-I plan to see it again.

I also encourage you to fill your environment and mind with positive thoughts. Share positive and kind thoughts with others-it may be the only one they hear that day.

Thank you for listening!

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